On hiatus…but with some exciting news & new music!

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Hello everybody! Sorry for the delay on updates here. Lots of things going on in the Poppy world. Our Tall Poppy Presents showcases are currently on hiatus but we do plan to get them going again in 2013 so keep your eyes out later in the year for that. At the end of 2012, we moved locations from Poppy Palace down the Seymour River to Poppy Cottage, where we are loving the new digs and getting settled in. We are so blessed to be surrounded by such beauty on a daily basis in this part of You should also know that the Queen Poppy herself, Lee Lindsey, is set to release her third full length album entitled “Flowers” this spring and we couldn’t be more excited about everything that is happening surrounding that. Make sure to visit www.leelindsey.com or follow Lee on Twitter @daqueenpoppy for all the latest news on that front! As always, thanks for the love and support and we look forward to seeing you all very soon! xo, your Poppy Peeps

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